Update! I've found out how to make the launcher work with the xliveless.dll from the game's root directory. Also, as I found out, there is a problem with the launcher that makes it not load a specific savegame. I'll get this working, then I'll get back to you all!
Just open the saved.rar file you downloaded and extract the saved.rar file to extract the saved.xml file you can then extract the.dll file from the saved.xml file. If you do this, all the save files for your game will be in the same folder.
I have done all these steps about a hundred times now and nothing does work. I also tried using the xliveless.xvm extensions and it does not work either. So I was wondering what I could do to fix this.
I tried launching the game from the xliveless folder, but that didn't work. I also tried running the launcher from within the GTAIV folder, but that didn't work either. I should mention that I've been running the game on the xliveless patch 7 for my many failed attempts to get the game working, but I haven't tried for months. If anyone wants to know more about what it takes to run the game under xliveless patch 7, please try it yourself and tell me if its actually possible. As I said, I cannot seem to get it working. But you can comment on this and tell me if you know how to get it working... I'd like to learn from someone who's tried it.
C) I'm not sure if this has anything to do with 7, but also, I'll give everyone a heads up - I'm using Windows XP. Because of this, I can't run the launcher, but I can use the game that way. If you can run the launcher in XP, you can run the game in XP and all you'll have to do is uninstall the game and the launcher.
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