Market Profile Handbook
Offers valuable and in-demand information on health insurance. Derived from the NAIC Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit, the report includes aggregated data from the exhibit in the P&C, health, life and fraternal blanks; extensive breakouts of market share data; company index; and important statistics - such as loss ratios, number of policies and certificates, and number of covered lives. Recently updated as of July 2021.
Provides average costs associated with personal automobile insurance nationwide. This report, which shows state-by-state data, is designed to provide insurance regulators, consumers and legislators with information and analysis of auto insurance information. It makes information that impacts the price of auto insurance in each state readily available to insurance regulators monitoring the market and to the public. Included in the report are averages based on written premiums and exposures for the combined voluntary and residual market business. It also contains earned premiums, incurred losses, earned exposures and number of claims for both voluntary and residual market business. Updated annually.
This handbook's objective is to provide a framework that, while not preempting a state's authority, promotes consistent decisions while reviewing the standardized Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) and helps improve the efficiency of the review process. This handbook is not intended to constitute a comprehensive company licensing procedures manual. Published following each National Meeting.
This report provides industrywide data for more than 500 individual insurers. Earned premiums, incurred losses, loss ratios and market share information for each type of insurance are displayed in separate sections for convenient analysis by line of business. Data is also shown for the two years immediately preceding the reported year to help regulators and other interested parties monitor trends in credit insurers' annual financial results. Updated annually.
Reports on homeowners dwelling, fire and tenant insurance. Contains a summary of market distribution and average cost by policy form and amounts of insurance-specific information for each state regarding number of homeowners policies written, amount of insurance and average premiums. Contains the latest available year of data. Updated annually.
This handbook provides a guide to assist state insurance departments in establishing an effective examination system. It provides an overview of the entire examination process and then offers specific instructions and suggestions for carrying out each individual phase of examination. This handbook is updated annually. Currently, the 2023 Financial Condition Examiners Handbook is available as a PDF via an online subscription service (OSS). This subscription service provides access to the published version of the handbook, and updates to the publication will be available in Account Manager. Subscriptions are specific to an individual user and access to the platform requires a redemption code, which will be provided via email following verification of the purchase.
This handbook provides state insurance regulators with a resource guide to help them through the labyrinth of ERISA preemption analysis. ERISA, a federal statute that establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework for employee pension benefit plans, preempts most state laws. However, ERISA exempts from federal preemption any state law that regulates the business of insurance - but determining whether a state law is preempted by ERISA can be complex and confusing. Copyright 2022
This publication combines information from the Market Conduct Examiners Handbook and the Market Analysis Handbook into one comprehensive source of reference material from the continuum of regulatory responses to potential market concerns. The goal with this publication is to help market regulators conduct uniform, standardized market analysis and market conduct examinations. Updated annually.
The Market Regulation Handbook is offered as a digital-only publication via an online subscription service (OSS). This subscription service provides access to the published version of the handbook, and Market Regulation Handbook Reference Documents will be available in Account Manager. Modifications to the handbook will be uploaded to the OSS platform as they become available following each interim and national meeting of the Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs (D) Committee. Subscriptions are specific to an individual user and access to the platform requires a redemption code, which will be provided via email following verification of the purchase.
Designed to serve as a compilation of the market conduct examination standards found in Chapters 20 - 32 of the Market Regulation Handbook. Arranged and organized by chapter and area of examination, regulated entities might find this summary useful in creating an outline for internal review templates. Please note: This summary does not represent all examination standards, methodologies and areas of review that could be utilized by an insurance department. Updated annually.
An easy reference for identifying top writers by premium volume. Allows monitoring of increases and decreases in market share and overall level of market concentration. The Property/Casualty reports include the top 10 company groups by state and the top 125 groups countrywide for each P/C annual statement line of business. The Life and Fraternal reports contain the top 125 groups by state and countrywide for life insurance, annuity considerations and total premiums written. The Accident & Health reports contain the top 125 groups by state and countrywide for total A&H premiums written. Contains the latest available year of data. Updated annually.
This report contains the latest available data drawn from Medicare Supplement Insurance Expense Exhibits filed with the NAIC. It identifies direct premiums earned, market share, direct claims incurred and loss ratios on a countrywide basis. A listing of the top 10 companies by state by direct premiums earned is also included in this report. Reports available since 1990. Updated annually.
An easy reference guide regarding the review of rate, rule and form filings to be used by insurance companies. Includes references to NAIC product filing tools and instructions. Its use will help insurance regulators provide speed-to-market for insurers, while continuing to maintain a high level of protection for consumers. Recommendations are aimed at adding uniformity and consistency to regulatory processes, while being responsive to state-specific needs.
The Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook explores the provisions and requirements of the Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 (LRRA) and the NAIC Model Risk Retention Act. The question of which aspects of state laws have been preempted by the LRRA and which have not is the overall issue that has given rise to many of the other issues. The handbook attempts to explain the various approaches that the states have taken in dealing with these issues. Copyright 2013.
Provides guidance and contains suggested best practices for state insurance departments in administering a producer-licensing program. Assists regulators in continued movement toward uniformity in licensing procedures among the states. Also includes information about other types of licensing programs; e.g., adjusters, bail bond agents, etc. This handbook is based on the Producer Licensing Model Act (MDL-218), the Uniform Resident Licensing Standards and other guidelines. Updated biennially. For more information, please access : _licensing_handbook.htm
The Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report is based off the new Supplemental Health Care Exhibit, which was created as a tool to comply with new federal legislation. Aggregated annual statement data, market share data sorted by covered lives and by earned premium, as well the top 10 groups/companies by health premiums earned are included within the report to provide state and federal regulators with aggregated, more granular financial information reported by health plans. This information will assist in identifying and defining elements that make up the medical loss ratio (MLR), evaluating health plan profitability, and tracking and comparing financial results of health care business as reported in the annual financial statements.
This white paper provides information to state insurance regulators, insurers and the broader public about the architecture of the cannabis business supply chain, types of insurance needed by the cannabis industry, the availability of cannabis business insurance in state insurance markets and the extent of insurance gaps, and best practices that state insurance regulators can adopt to encourage insurers to write insurance for the cannabis industry. Copyright 2019. 781b155fdc
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