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UNDER PRESSURE FROM ITS partner, Star TV, to increase its commercial revenue, the Zee network is currently in the middle of a major revamping exercise. In an attempt to cut costs, the network's weaker channel, El TV, will now commission fewer programmes and has floated a sponsored programme scheme under which a producer has to pay the channel a telecast fee in return for free commercial time. The channel is throwing open its prime time-7.30 p.m. to 10 p.m.-to producers for sponsored programmes in Hindi. It is also launching an hour each of Gujarati and Bengali programmes in the day time, also on sponsorship basis. And soon, the rest of the time on the channel will be taken up by movies recycled from Zee Cinema. Insiders say if these moves do not work, Star may insist that El TV, which is losing money, be closed down. Meanwhile, Zee TV is also reorienting its programmes and now wants more than just \"bold and beautiful\" soaps. Two long-running programmes-Tara and Campus-will be off Zee soon; the channel feels the programmes have \"outlived their utility\". It has approached RaghubirYadav to produce a series on how Parsi theatre was affected by the advent of Hindi cinema; Seema Kapoor to do a series on what happened to nautch girls when Indian royalty lost its privy purse; and Saeed Mirza to direct fresh episodes of Nukkad.
Wo'O Ideafarm is a civic speaker who uses a powerful method of spontaneous direct speech to express viewpoints that threaten significant local economic and political interests in Mountain View, California, the home of Google. Ideafarm claims that officers of the county court have conspired to silence and imprison him and to confiscate all of his speech equipment. He claims that the silencing is done by filing baseless criminal charges and then entangling him in endless legal procedure, with the government knowing that it will never prevail in court but that the real objective is to keep him silenced as long as possible in a legal fight that is already in its third year. The charges are minor, but the effect of the legal fight is devastating. Charged with California Penal Code 370/372 (general public nuisance), Ideafarm is currently out of jail only because Aladdin Bail Bonds has bailed him out four times, most recently by depositing $30,000 (THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS) at the end of January. Ideafarm is a day laborer and says that the need to work almost full time to pay his bail premiums leaves him with very little time to work with his attorney.
Ideafarm cares about the issues that he speaks on. But he cares most of all about the freedom to speak and the right to hear what anyone would speak. He is interested in the same sex marriage conflict primarily because he sees it as an attempt by one group to silence another group by redefining words so that the opposing view can no longer even be expressed. On the subject of government corruption, he claims that he has a computer library of 50,000 audio recordings, emails, court documents, videos, pictures, and other evidence that can be the basis of an electronic book which exposes felony conspiracy by government officers to silence him, imprison him, and confiscate his \"street essay\" equipment. The expose has begun to appear on his web site, But Ideafarm says that he needs six months of full time, focused work to write the expose, and that if he does not get the expose written quickly, the corrupt local court here will see to it that it is NEVER written. 153554b96e