Pure, White And Deadly.pdf
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Nor are the intoxicating effects of cyanide always apparent. If an occasion should arise when damage is done to the body through the use of an intoxicant or poison, the one which has been taken is the one to search for and the coroner?s record is to be the last resort. If cyanide has been taken, the symptoms are possibly premonitory. A healthy person may experience numbness of the tongue, numbness of the skin, extreme weakness in hand and foot muscles, thumping headache and vomiting, delirium, severe dizziness and unconsciousness.
However, not all medical authorities are convinced that the poison has to be identified at all. It is as likely that ammonium cyanide, ammonium sulfate, or ammonium bisulfate has been eaten. Usually, traces of cyanide are detected in the stomach and/or intestines. In this way the body destroys the poison before any symptoms are produced.
Cyanide toxicity is characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms which are followed by cardiac and neurological disorders. The symptoms are dizziness, headache, nausea, faintness, weakness, stiffness of the neck and back, slowness of movement, inability to control one?s eye, unreactive pupils, coma and, finally, death.
Even a tiny amount of cyanide may be fatal. A normal adult has about 40 mg of potassium in his body. If cyanide is acting on this level, death may be due to cardiac arrhythmias. Two ml of the potassium cyanide, a 20 mm drop of this solution in water, or 1-10 mg of sodium hydrocyanic acid, a neutral salt of cyanide, in water may all prove lethal. d2c66b5586