They Came From Beyond The Sun [PATCHED] Download Movies
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Battle Beyond the Sun is the English-dubbed and re-edited U.S. version of Nebo Zovyot, a 1959 Soviet science fiction film. Roger Corman acquired the Soviet film for US distribution and hired a young film-school student named Francis Ford Coppola to Americanize it.[1] It is still a tale of the "space race", of two nations competing to become the first to land a spacecraft on the planet Mars, but switches the competing nations, via the dubbing, from the USSR and the USA to the fictional future countries of North Hemis and South Hemis. The names of not only the Soviet characters, but also their performers, and the crew credits as well, were altered on the screen to American-sounding names in order to further disguise the film's origins: thus Soviet stars Aleksandr Shvorin and Ivan Pereverzev became "Andy Stewart" and "Edd Perry", and Soviet directors Mikhail Karyukov and Aleksandr Kozyr became "Maurice Kaplin" and "Arthur Corwin" - and were demoted to Assistant Director status as well. The advertising and release print's designated Director is given as Thomas Colchart; sources vary as to whom that name actually belongs (Karyukov and/or Kozyr, Coppola, or a hired American dubbing director).
The Mercury launches from Angkor. It passes the space station and returns to Earth, landing at an offshore platform. Adoring throngs of people (composed from more re-purposed Soviet footage, including some insert shots from the Pasadena Rose Parade) greet them with exuberant admiration. Boats are launched to pick up the team, who return to shore. Dr. Gordon is reunited with his wife and they embrace. Children present them with flowers.
Over the many years that have passed I became a novelist writing mostly romance and some science fiction. The memory of my first fictional story from that seventh grade class kept calling to me to locate its whereabouts. Having been written presumably on notebook paper and never copied, (no Xerox machines in those days), I took to rewriting it based on memories from my childhood. Naturally, I added more to it, having experienced the Apollo missions, geosync satellites and political events of my lifetime. So here it is, my very first piece of fiction, modernized by age.___
What lay beyond the far side of the sun was another planet nearly the same as our own Earth. Sister Earth, as NASA affectionately referred to it, was discovered to be composed of the exact same elements as our own world. It was obvious to scientists the two worlds had been created about the same time, and from the same source. Its exact opposite orbit from Earth kept it hidden behind the sun from the vantage point of anyone on our own world.
Carrying two captured animals back to the spacecraft for the ride back to Earth, the men heard what sounded like something larger following them. As they exited the wooded area and traversed the level ground back to the spacecraft, they soon realized they were being pursued by a species larger than themselves. They made a mad dash up the ladder. One unfortunate cosmonaut lost the battle to the larger pursuer. He was savagely clawed to death and dragged back into the woods. The remaining five men were in shock. They were preparing to go back into the woods to retrieve their comrade, but came to realize there might not be much left to retrieve. Still, they could not leave a man behind.
Enough time had passed to give themselves a modicum of safety. At least now they knew the danger and could be prepared. As they opened the door to step down the ladder, they changed their minds as multitudes of bear-like animals gathered around the spacecraft as if waiting for their next meal to emerge. Once they realized the men were inside, they began clawing at the thin walls of the spacecraft in an attempt to gain access. The decision was made to depart Earth Too at once. The rocket blast would certainly frighten off the creatures.Ascending to rendezvous with the command module, it became evident the crew was facing two problems. The skin of the spacecraft had been breached. The air was slowly leaking out, necessitating the wearing of space suits in flight. Worse than that was some of the flight control nozzles had been compromised during the attack. It was becoming difficult to correctly orient the spacecraft to the orbit of the command module. It would be like trying to drive your car if the steering wheel could only make right turns.
Astronomers have instruments sensitive enough to measure the mass of asteroids from their tiny gravitational perturbations on Mars, and you think they could have somehow missed a major planet zooming towards us? Come on, be realistic.
25. Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods. It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day. Its worst impact will probably be felt by developing countries in coming decades. Many of the poor live in areas particularly affected by phenomena related to warming, and their means of subsistence are largely dependent on natural reserves and ecosystemic services such as agriculture, fishing and forestry. They have no other financial activities or resources which can enable them to adapt to climate change or to face natural disasters, and their access to social services and protection is very limited. For example, changes in climate, to which animals and plants cannot adapt, lead them to migrate; this in turn affects the livelihood of the poor, who are then forced to leave their homes, with great uncertainty for their future and that of their children. There has been a tragic rise in the number of migrants seeking to flee from the growing poverty caused by environmental degradation. They are not recognized by international conventions as refugees; they bear the loss of the lives they have left behind, without enjoying any legal protection whatsoever. Sadly, there is widespread indifference to such suffering, which is even now taking place throughout our world. Our lack of response to these tragedies involving our brothers and sisters points to the loss of that sense of responsibility for our fellow men and women upon which all civil society is founded.
90. This is not to put all living beings on the same level nor to deprive human beings of their unique worth and the tremendous responsibility it entails. Nor does it imply a divinization of the earth which would prevent us from working on it and protecting it in its fragility. Such notions would end up creating new imbalances which would deflect us from the reality which challenges us.[68] At times we see an obsession with denying any pre-eminence to the human person; more zeal is shown in protecting other species than in defending the dignity which all human beings share in equal measure. Certainly, we should be concerned lest other living beings be treated irresponsibly. But we should be particularly indignant at the enormous inequalities in our midst, whereby we continue to tolerate some considering themselves more worthy than others. We fail to see that some are mired in desperate and degrading poverty, with no way out, while others have not the faintest idea of what to do with their possessions, vainly showing off their supposed superiority and leaving behind them so much waste which, if it were the case everywhere, would destroy the planet. In practice, we continue to tolerate that some consider themselves more human than others, as if they had been born with greater rights.
126. We can also look to the great tradition of monasticism. Originally, it was a kind of flight from the world, an escape from the decadence of the cities. The monks sought the desert, convinced that it was the best place for encountering the presence of God. Later, Saint Benedict of Norcia proposed that his monks live in community, combining prayer and spiritual reading with manual labour (ora et labora). Seeing manual labour as spiritually meaningful proved revolutionary. Personal growth and sanctification came to be sought in the interplay of recollection and work. This way of experiencing work makes us more protective and respectful of the environment; it imbues our relationship to the world with a healthy sobriety.
136. On the other hand, it is troubling that, when some ecological movements defend the integrity of the environment, rightly demanding that certain limits be imposed on scientific research, they sometimes fail to apply those same principles to human life. There is a tendency to justify transgressing all boundaries when experimentation is carried out on living human embryos. We forget that the inalienable worth of a human being transcends his or her degree of development. In the same way, when technology disregards the great ethical principles, it ends up considering any practice whatsoever as licit. As we have seen in this chapter, a technology severed from ethics will not easily be able to limit its own power.
146. In this sense, it is essential to show special care for indigenous communities and their cultural traditions. They are not merely one minority among others, but should be the principal dialogue partners, especially when large projects affecting their land are proposed. For them, land is not a commodity but rather a gift from God and from their ancestors who rest there, a sacred space with which they need to interact if they are to maintain their identity and values. When they remain on their land, they themselves care for it best. Nevertheless, in various parts of the world, pressure is being put on them to abandon their homelands to make room for agricultural or mining projects which are undertaken without regard for the degradation of nature and culture.
176. There are not just winners and losers among countries, but within poorer countries themselves. Hence different responsibilities need to be identified. Questions related to the environment and economic development can no longer be approached only from the standpoint of differences between countries; they also call for greater attention to policies on the national and local levels. 2b1af7f3a8
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